1 of 4 / Overview
View AllWhat Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and maintain an erection. Occasional trouble with ED is likely nothing to worry about.
Why Can’t I Get an Erection?
Decreased blood flow, usually because vessels that supply blood to the penis have narrowed, is often the cause of ED in older men.
2 of 4 / Symptoms & Risks
View AllUnderstanding ED Symptoms
Being unable to have or keep an erection adequate for sexual activity is the defining mark of erectile dysfunction.
Drugs That Can Cause ED
If you are having problems achieving or maintaining an erection, you may want to take a look at your medicine cabinet first.
ED and Psychological Factors
Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, and depression are responsible for about 10%-20% of cases of erectile dysfunction.
Other Conditions That Can Cause Impotence
Many things can lead to ED. Stress, depression, anxiety, and alcohol use often trigger it.
3 of 4 / Treatment
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ED Tests: What to Expect at the Doctor
With so many possible causes for ED, your doctor has a number of tests they can use to figure out the best treatment for you.
ED Treatment Overview
Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem.
What to Ask Your Doctor About ED
It can be embarrassing to discuss sexual matters with your doctor. Yet a doctor’s appointment is necessary to get ED treatment.
ED Vacuum Devices
A vacuum constriction device is an external pump with a band on it that a man with ED can use to get and maintain an erection.
4 of 4 / Living With
View AllManaging ED Emotionally
ED takes more than a physical toll. The emotional impact the condition can have on a man and their partner can be difficult, too.
If Your Partner Has ED
ED can take a toll on a relationship. You’ll want to support and encourage your partner as they manage their condition.
Staying Intimate With ED
If you’re going through ED, it’s important to know that sex isn’t the only way to be intimate with your partner.
Sex and Romance: Working Together to Relight the Fire
When you’re experiencing erection problems, you’re not alone. Your spouse or partner is also affected.
Suggested Reads about Erectile Dysfunction
Foods to Help Erectile Dysfunction
Can some foods help your sex life? From coffee to oysters, WebMD shows you what to eat and drink to help with erectile dysfunction.
Protect Your Erection: 11 Tips to Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction
WebMD talks with experts about lifestyle habits that may help prevent erectile dysfunction (ED).
Ways to Avoids Erectile Dysfunction
Find out from this WebMD slideshow how lifestyle changes like losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and getting exercise can help you avoid ED.
A Visual Guide to Erectile Dysfunction
What is erectile dysfunction? WebMD's pictures explain the symptoms, causes, and treatments, including medicine and alternative approaches, for impotence.
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